Thursday, April 22, 2010

I've never been a gossip, but...

Had lunch today with a former grad student. Whew! I had no idea what has been happening at the university where I used to work, since I left. First, it sounds like my former department may be on the way out, due to budget cuts. Second, she's been experiencing some of the same symptoms I experienced 2 years ago, has been the "it's all in your head" route, and has finally accepted that she's suffering from work stress and anxiety. She was able to make some changes in her life (and she's 28 years younger than I), so hopefully she's going to be okay.

I'm missing the music. High school music, that is. Yes, it was getting to be a bit of a hassle at the end, but I enjoy working with the students so much. I guess it will give me something to look forward to this fall.

Knitting wise, I'm not making much progress, although I did start a top for myself this week (yeah, yeah, I know. No new projects...but this is so cute!). It's a short sleeve top with crocheted patches on the front and back yoke. ( think I just put a picture of it in this post, but I've never done this before.) The patches are supposed to be knitted, but the instructions were so complicated, I switched to a crocheted patch and it's going very fast.

I had a tooth pulled earlier this week and it still hurts like crazy. I think it should be better by now, but will give it another day before I call the oral surgeon.

This weekend is our contemporary cantata at church. A lot of people have felt that this set of music was too simple, but it is a set of contemporary tunes (many of them familiar) and contemporary tends to be a little more simple. However, that said, our choir director has woven them together with some very meaningful readings and testimonies (I'm doing one of the testimonies). I saw the dress rehearsal last night and wow! I think this is really going to lift people up.

Getting through my own testimony was hard. It was hard to put my whole history over the past two years out there, and even harder to talk about my faith. The testimony comes just before a song titled, I Believe There Is More, and that really is the just of what I say. I may post it here after the event this weekend. There were several people crying when I got done last night and the director gave me the thumbs up sign, so I guess I did okay. I just hope I can get through two performances this weekend without breaking down, myself.

Well, I'd better hit the bed. No nap today, and I am dragging. Richard is working tomorrow and Saturday, so I may be able to do some catching up.

Oh...what's that I hear? The frogs have begun the evening symphony on the lake. I may have to sit quietly in the dark on the screened porch and listen to that for a few minutes before I fall asleep!

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